Rain Followed Me Home

Rain Followed Me Home

Regular price $12.00 $12.00 Sale

Martin Willitts Jr.'s new book, Rain Followed Me Home, is filled to the brim with imagery that encourages us to ponder our relationship with the natural world. The opening poem, Disquieting, reminds us that although we are often caught in difficult, transitory moments, mindfulness is still possible. Each sonnet demonstrates a surreality of line that is juxtaposed with careful attention to detail, rewarding the reader with a deep emotional resonance. That resonance holds hands with the rain that sits at the center of this collection's heart. The beautiful, luminous last poem closes the collection with a reminder that "There is much to love in this world."

-Christine Klocek-Lim, editor of Autumn Sky Poetry DAILY and author of Dark Matter.

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